The Activity Fair, which was hosted on September 15th in the Senior High during lunch periods, featured about 19 clubs, but not many people knew about it.
Seneca Valley has between 60-70 clubs and the Activity Fair is a great way to share the advertise the variety of clubs in the school community. According to Ms. Heather Lewis from the athletic office, the reason only a small number of clubs were present at the Activity Fair was because there were not enough people available to represent certain clubs.
Some students have the opinion that the Activity Fair is a boring event and for some of them that was why they did not spend their lunch period at the event. “I don’t know what the Activity Fair is,” said Alexis, a ninth-grade student from Seneca Valley.
One factor that could make the Activity Fair a more successful event is the structure of it. A change could make the students more aware of what it is and how it works.
Corie Julian, a junior student, gave us a report on how she thinks the Activity Fair should work. “The students should have a two-hour free period during that day, where all of them can go to the event and experience a club they want to enjoy, thus being a more interactive way that attracts more students,” she explained.
Ms. Lewis said that she is open to receiving new ideas about how the event should work and affirmed that the students can try the clubs once for free. Now, the way the activity fair works is that the students set up a table and give information about their club.
Ms. Lewis also discussed the reasons you should enjoy a club and how to be a part of one. The first reason she mentioned was that we can complement the learning in the school, but in a more free and fun way. For example, if you take the journalism class, you will probably have a lot of assignments and tests, but in a club all the pressure dissipates in a certain way.
Ms. Lewis also talked about the benefits related to college. Mentioning clubs on your resume that you are or have participated in during your high school career shows interest, especially if you go deeper than only participating. Developing leadership skills is another opportunity that clubs offer that attracts college approval.
If you find some related goals in these categories, don’t worry. Ms. Lewis emphasized that it’s not too late to participate in a club. If you are interested in joining a club, check out all the offerings on the Senior High’s website.