Oasis: Thirsty for a outreach

In a showing of outreach and community-building, Oasis Club handed out 300 juice boxes on Feb. 14

Sophia Kunkel, Contributor

Juice boxes are not all the recently formed Oasis Club has to offer. Also called Christian Fellowship Club, Oasis provides a stress-free atmosphere that welcomes everyone. Senior Myles Weaver, one of the original founders of Oasis, describes the club as being one of community building and outreach, while also being based in faith.

Yet Weaver’s vision is that the club breaks the previous stereotypes of other Christian clubs. He explained that Oasis is a place for anyone, not just for those who want to share their faith.

“If you come to our club, everything we do is out of love,” Weaver said. “The first priority of the club is to let people know we care, regardless of their faith.”

Meetings for Oasis often include games and food, as well as motivational messages and discussion of topics that encourages kids to get to know one another. Members of the club also participate in a variety of outreach activities, as they did  February 14, handing out 300 juice boxes.

“The purpose was to spread the love of God without pushing it on people. We each had juice boxes which we labeled with bible verses, or inspirational quotes—they could choose to read it or not, but it was basically meant to be us spreading the love around the school,” Junior Ally Dunning said.

The club has brought in speakers from local churches and youth ministries this year as well. Some of these include Brian Cook and Andrew Kenney.

“It’s a place for anybody to go, whether they’re a Christian or not, just to feel safe and have people that will love on them and to show support if they need it,” Dunning said.

She hints that the club is planning something bigger and better because of the success of this past outreach.

Anyone interested in staying up-to-date on what Oasis is doing this year, additional information can be found on their Instagram page at svsd_oasis.