Seneca Valley Raiderthon Back for Another Year

December 2, 2016
It is that time of year again when the Raiderthon comes around and a light is shone on the amazing Miracle League foundation.
The Raiderthon is an event that consists of twelve hours of continuous standing, dancing, and games that involves the juniors and seniors of Seneca Valley School District. The twelve hours is set aside to earn money to benefit the Miracle League of Southwestern Pennsylvania. Along with the event, the money is raised by purchasing food, sitting time, and other assorted things anyone might want throughout the night.
The Miracle League of Southwestern Pennsylvania is an amazing foundation that focuses on providing a field and a structured league designed for children with special needs, to help them play the game they love: Baseball. This foundation was formed in 2007 and has grown into a widely popular and extremely beneficial charity.
The money raised during this Raiderthon would be used to repair the fields, buy better equipment, and any other expenses that might come up in their line of work. Through this program, hundreds of kids with serious disabilities have had the opportunity to play baseball with others just like them and had the chance to defeat the odds.
The Raiderthon held last year raised a grand total of over $29,000, all generated from the students and their dedication to the organization. For this upcoming 2017 Raiderthon, the amount to reach is $30,000 and with enough kids to help, we can reach this goal easily.
The event is held this year on April 1, 2017, in the Seneca Valley Senior High gymnasium from 8:00 pm on Saturday to 8:00 am Sunday morning. There are allowed to be up to twenty-five players on a team and team spirit is encouraged. Go ahead and make t-shirts, wear team costumes, or anything else your team decides to do.
The winning team of the Raiderthon gets their photo taken and names placed on a plaque to be hung in the halls of our school for everyone to see. Not only do you get your name on a plaque, but you have this incredible opportunity to support a foundation that can change the lives of many and bring joy to others.
If you would like to sign up to participate in the Raiderthon 2017 for the Miracle League charity, they will begin next week during every lunch period. There will be a table outside where you can sign up your team members.