Hallways: It’s not that hard.

Patrick Inman, Staff Writer

For years high-school students have had to deal with a major dilemma lurking among their lives: hallways.

A question that seems to enter every pre-pubescent child’s mind as he or she wanders the depths of school  goes as follows: Why do people not know how to walk in the hallway? There are far too many hindrances within the hallways.

Whether the obstacle is an awkward couple, walking slowly as they gaze into each others eyes, or someone texting and not paying attention to how slowly they are walking, whatever the case, these people need to be taught how to properly roam the halls.

Surely those reading have witnessed the mind-boggling incompetence of individuals in the halls. Fortunately, there is a solution.

Scott McGee, a senior at Seneca Valley high school, is a passionate advocate for this significant issue plaguing hallways everywhere. McGee has developed a revolutionary new system to “make hallways great again.”

McGee laid out the details to his unique plan, “Let’s start with the stairs. The stairwell fits an average width of four people. That means that two people can fit on each side. Think of each side having two lanes: the passing lane and the cruising lane. If you are alone, use the passing lane (left lane) to move faster, and use the cruising lane to move slower.  If two friends are walking up the stairs together, they must walk side-by-side at passing lane speed.”

McGee continued on, “Hallways are a different kind of battle. Keep the same concepts as the stairwell, but adjust due to size. SHS hallways have an average width of five people, which opens up what I call the turning lane. The turning lane is in the middle of both passing lanes, and is used for people who need to merge onto the other side of the hall. If a student wishes to get to the other side, they must wait until there is an opening, cross into the turning lane, and merge into the opposing passing lane. If there are three friends who want to walk side-by-side in the hall, well too bad. Never cruise in the turning lane. NEVER.” Incredible plan, indeed.

McGee is trying to gain support for his plan by outlining the major flaws within hallways today, and how he assures he will fix them. McGee will attempt to pitch his ideas to many local schools hoping that they will see how beneficial this will be for the hallways everywhere.

Even though there is no foreseeable date for when this plan will be implemented, it is comforting to know that a brave soul is fighting to make all of our lives better.